Dicewars DS
ABOUT DICEWARS DS ----------------- * DESCRIPTION Dicewars DS is a multiplayer version of a popular Flash based strategy game (http://www.gamedesign.jp/flash/dice/dice.html) for Nintendo DS handheld console. Your task is to conquer the whole game field by rolling dice. Each turn you may attack any opponent's territory from one of your adjacent territories as long as your territory has more than one die on it. When attacking, If you roll more than the defender, you win. * HOW TO RUN Please run on real hardware if possible. Pretty much any flash adapter able to run homebrew application is good enough, and also booting with wmb works. If you must use an emulator (not recommended), try No$gba: http://nocash.emubase.de/gba.htm * NOTES Contradicting the first chapter, this initial version doesn't have multiplayer/network game enabled due to stability issues. You may expect an updated version to be released at latest on the final Assembly gamedev competition deadline, 4th of August 2007. Meanwhile, enjoy the single player mode and classic Dicewars vibes. :) * AUTHORS Matti Palosuo: programming and implementation Reko Nokkanen: graphics Jari PitkΣnen: sound design Taro Ito: original game design * CONTACT Matti Palosuo matti.palosuo (at) helsinki.fi 15.7.07, for Assembly gamedev competition
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