Sininen by Accession
┬░ ┬░ o . . . . . ___ o . ___ !__--------------------__! | -------------------- | : in the year of our lord* 2007 | o o .| | . _____ . . o | : Accession brings you |__. \ |____ . ___| |___---) | (_----- __| : Sininen | ---\ ---- /.----- | | /___ _____\)\_ o| : Released at | ┬░ \() (_ . | | . \ ----- / | : b┬░┬░zembly, the ultimate trip! :) | o /____)\_ ___\ | | ┬░ _) (_ ┬░| : in the intro compo | . \ ----- / o | | __/__)\__ ___\ | : Came in 2nd and 3rd to tie for 1st | _)______ (\/ o | | \ _______/ . | : thankage: | /__ ______)\___ ┬░ ┬░| Everyone who came to the fucking | \( _) ____ (_ | party, and special double thanx | . ┬░ \ \ _______/ . | to everyone on staff | .___/___ ______\ | |o _) | \(_ . | : This is a Series 60 V3 Intro | \ . . / . | Tested on N90 + E61 | /_ |___| |___ ┬░ | | \/ _) | | (_ | : Does not work on Windows. | \ ---- / . | | ┬░ __/___ ______\ .| | ._) |_)/__ | : more info | \ | / . o | | /___ !_____\____ | : Thanks to the amazing video skills | \/ _) | (_ ┬░| of Britelite and Truck, the compo | \______ / . | version was simply: | . ┬░ /_______ __\ | THE BEST ENCODING EVAH EV AH EVAH! | . )/!ne7 | .................................. | ┬░ . / . | |___ . . ___| : Yo Ne7: Hey look I finally |__--------------------__| Remembered you'd done a bzm ascii! --------------------- *beer
[ back to the prod ]