Ische by Code Red
.code red nfo this info file is compiled to inform you on the current status of code red. as there are only very few signs from code red having reached the outer world, i.e. the overground, we would like to tell everybody leaking on knowledge concerning the major liquercrew. code red has to apologize for the low number of releases in the last few months. hopefully, the mekka and symposium event will bring a change into the frequency of released archives, as at least 2 productions will be published at the party (CR-ISCHE & CR-ZCH98). moreover, the cr ghq is down and the whq is frequently offline. therefore, if you are sysop of a demo-orientated board and would like to support code red then contact us asap ( other contact adresses can be found in attention suckers: we are looking for new members! if you are any kind of talented and would like to join the superior crew around then contact us, or simply download CR-APPL7.ZIP from one of our boards. current code red member status (alphabetically ordered) : handle age occupation housemaiszta 19 posingmaiszta ice-m-steel 19 musician iso:crash 18 orga, coder ramwulf 19 grafician, lamer all releases so far can be checked in which supports the gravis ultrasound since a few weeks! future plans: - further development of the zechenmaiszta (send ideas & bugs!) - the MAISZTA series will be continued - of course, many more music files to come - new fastintros (probably already at mekka&symposium) - blahblahblah signed, iso:crash of CODE RED at mekka and symposium 1997
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