
Anataus 7 by Fit [web]

                          Presents OSX 7 Anataus Fit

    OS X 10.1 ten music
    G3 graphics
    400MHz pitch

    Music    - Marq
    Sound    - Yzi
    Muzax    - Zebra
    Sound FX - Atn
    Audio    - Pete

    Shout http://www.kameli.net/fit/
    Yell marq@iki.fi

    Finally, here's some cool ├──■■─, sorry, ASCII art to you:
    (thanks to ßOMß, the best Linux crew!)

      │                                    │     ┌────────────────────┐
      │             ANATAUS 7              │     │                    │
      │        the perfect world.          │     │      presented     │
      │                                    ├──■■─┤live at  ASSEMBLY'2k│
      └──────────┬┬┬───────────────────────┘     │       held in      │
                 │││                             │  Helsonki - SUAMI  │
                 ▌▌▌                             │     The 3 to 6     │
 ┌───────────────┴┴┴─────────────────────────────┘    august  2000    │