Supreme-win32 by Outbreak [web]
.---- - - - - | | SUPREME WIN32 FINAL ! : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Old [1998-03-14]: . ----------------- Made in a hurry, during Hype98. Mostly non-debugged party code. New [2002-09-14]: ------------------ Due to a serious lack of time, plus the fact that we got into this secret clan with sacrificing living cats and dogs, we didn't finish this version until we could free our minds and settle down in my (Thecs) apartment during a weekend with late nigts, a lot of cola and actually a living cat. And dip. Credits for this port goes 100% to Breakin, however, never underestimate the ability to force people to make process by holding a dead fish to ones throat. Or cats. Thec that was. Some extremely ugly graphics were updated, which also would have been fixed if the deadline didn't show up as early as it did. Damn deadlines. The Win32 port uses Tiny PTC for output, Fmod for sound and urarlib32 for packing. Respect to the creators of these libs! Anyway, hope you'll enjoy the port more than the old version! Thec & Breakin . Original Creditz: ----------------- :Main Code: :Add.Code: :Graphics: :Music: . +Breakin +Thec +Prof +Bliss : +Anvil^Obscure +Clone +Evade | | - - - - ----┤
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