Pirates Analyze Warez Issue #2 by PAW Staff
P. A. W. Pirates Analyze Warez Review Magazine Welcome to Issue #2 - Nov/92 Part I (Nov. 16/1992). covering ALL releases in the first half of November. See REVIEWER.APP for information on joining the staff. Thanks go out to all the groups that made this possible!! TDT: Sorry 'bout AKiRA. Sucks for the area code!! -PAW INC: Didn't need REAL senior staff anyway... -PAW Cutter: Your VGA will be in issue #3!! -KH Xiphoid: Don't work so damn hard next time!! -NPF Raider: We'd get more done without the beer!! -NPF PAW STAFF (11/15/92): Editor-in-Chief: Newton P. Forgery -MERCURY- Senior Reviewers: Newton P. Forgery (5), Raider (4) Reviewers: Xiphoid (6), Rip Torn (5) Erik the Red -SKiLLiON- (4) Cyclops -iNC- (3), Raistlin -iNC- (1) Trial Reviewers: Karrion (1), Night Stalker (1) The Actuary (1) - Special Assignment Programming: Kendall Harvey (KendallSoft) Art Work: Apocalyptic Teacup Ad - Hacker PAW DISTRIBUTION NETWORK (11/15/92): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | PAW SITES SYSOP NUMBER AFFILIATIONS | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Apocalyptic Teacup BBS Mad Hatter [416]527-8852 P.A.W. WHQ | | MERCURY Site | | Unlimited Power BBS Raider [416]628-1709 P.A.W. CHQ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Game Grid Tron (513)385-9375 P.A.W. Dist. | | FLT Dist | | P∙D∙R Night Stalker (708)453-6385 P.A.W. Dist. | | Vertigo File Vertigo (815)667-4892 P.A.W. Dist. | | TDT Dist. | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | More Pending - Applications Required! | | NOTE: Regional HQ Selection Still Underway! | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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