Singularities by Unique [web]
____ _____ ____ ______ ______) \_____) \_________________________) \__) __/______ _/ _/ / \ / _/ ___ _/ _/ / ___/ __/ \________________\ _______\____\ \________________\_______\ \____(elD_ ____________( u n i q u e presents s i n g u l a r i t i e s a demo for revision 2017 final version needs AGA, 16 MB, 68060 recommended. Doesn't use FPU. credits: code & graphic design - dodke 3d graphics - raymon soundtrack - glxblt / brainstorm mesh tools and support - chemic thanks: adpcm audio replayer - britelite chunky to planar - kalms The demo runs in an interlaced graphics mode. This is a bit of an issue on emulators and flicker fixers that simply display both fields. On real hardware it would be best to use a CRT or let a TV convert the native output to progressive. As usual we were really late with the demo so there was no time for polish before the compo. One day we'll be early. This final version has some small improvements in pretty much every part. Generally things should be less glitchy. * Slightly smoother movement (still not great but oh well) * Improved texture resolution in many scenes * Better sound quality (28KHz mono) * Frame rate capped at 25 fps I can be reached via email if necessary: lauri dot smith at gmail. Anyway, hope you enjoy it! - dodke
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