Fields of Glass by Traction [web]
-------------------------------------------- ..: Fields of Glass :.. by Traction at Revision2016 -------------------------------------------- It requires a working PC. It's been tested on my crappy work laptop as well as my own that are both running Windows 7 and are not in any way spectacular. I hope it works on later Windows versions as well. Full credits are: Preacher - programming, graphics, music Elina - photography Pekka Salmela - music recording and mixing Also, the font is from, OpenIL is used for loading images and fmod does the sound. One picture of a hand is from somewhere in google images, apologies for that. I lost the original source. -------------------------------------------- It's been a while since I released anything. A long while. But that's how it goes: things change priorities and so on. I didn't want to show up empty handed at Revision so here goes. Made all by own and with very little time. You know those "made in two days so we know it sucks"-excuses? This time it's true. I'm quite happy with it nevertheless. (well, almost true anyway). This is my first time with a song of my own in a demo. I know it's not what's usually in demos. I hope you like it. Huge thanks to Pekka Salmela for assistance in recording and mixing the tune. The poem has existed for a long, long time. The song was written in early winter 2016. Greetings to the usual suspects and friends. I have been missing you. And big thanks to the various people who have supported making this demo, especially the other person in the last scene, my beloved soon-to-be-wife Elina. You mean the world to me. ~Preacher, --------------------------------------------
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