
Wallflower ZX by The Rockonerz

;	**** Wallflower ZX - TV Noise is dead - long live Wallflower ****
;	(c) 2011-05-28 by The Rockonerz (sweet, zilogat0r, logout, dex, factor6)
;	Inspired by C64 original by AteBit and Atari version by JAC!
;   A contribution to the inoffical "23 bytes Friday at work demo" compo.
;	This one has 12 (colour) and 15 (b/w) bytes code respectively.
;	Actually 5 bytes less code than the Atari version.
;	Slightly different Z80 code with no use of custom chipset makes it stereotypical,
;   but good enough for stroboscope lovers :P

;   version A (colour, 12 bytes)

    org #af57
jp2 ld h,c
jp1 ld a,r
    xor (hl)
    ld (hl),a
    dec hl
    out (254),a
    set 6,h
    jr jp1
len equ $-jp2

;   version B (b/w, 15 bytes)

    org #afc8
jp2 ld h,#57
jp1 ld a,r
    xor (hl)
    ld (hl),a
    dec hl
    out (254),a
    bit 6,h
    jr nz,jp1
    jr jp2
len equ $-jp2