Narkolepsia by Neurosis [web] & Epilepsy [web]
__________ ______________.___. _______ __________ _________ \______ \/ _____/\__ | | ___ ________ \ \\______ \/ _____/ | ___/\_____ \ / | | \ \/ / ___/ / | \| _/\_____ \ | | / \ \____ | \ /\___ \ / | \ | \/ \ |____| /_______ / / ______| \_//____ > \____|__ /____|_ /_______ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ Epilepsy and Neurosis present: N a r k o l e p s i a A demo for Function 2008 Actually, we should write something informative here, or even wise and soul touching, but heck, we've been partyworking like wild to submit this production on time. Heck, even the ASCII art above was generated! Oh yes, and Epilepsy is back. Not that we ever died. Or something. And for the complementary credits: Code: Georgy / NRS Maniac / NRS GFX: DerHase / NRS kelsey / PSY ^ ▄D Sampi / PSY Music: Xenophobe / NTX ... with some additional "help" from Sampi ;) Greetings go to all the people mentioned in the production, including them in the infofile also would be redundant, or something. No hard feelings, please? Shouts: kls- Maxie, morßlis tßmogatßsodΘrt tessΘk, beleφrlak az infofileba! Balßzs pedig mßr nagykisfi·, de mΘgsem j÷tt partyra!! talßltunk egy ⁿvegcipell⌡t, j÷v⌡re vßrjuk a tulajdonost! ;) sampi- t1n, nem vagy itt, ·gyhogy. DerHase- Gr33tZ to Csirke(Cs÷g:) - Ma_ <3 - Strogg - D-Bug ... Oh Y34H Georgy- Thanks to: Gargaj, BoyC, jimmi and Murphy for the help and respect to Keenan Crane for the "Ray Tracing Quaternion Julia Sets on the GPU", it helped me a lot. (The demo requires an sm3.0 video card with glsl 1.2 and .net 3.5) Olrßjtszriz÷rvd, 2008.
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