
Corruption #2 by corruption staff

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Maestro[ETE]CORRUPTION ISSUE # 2RELEASED ON 04/04/94────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

  Hello, welcome to the second issue of Corruption. It took us a bit too long
to get this one out, but hopefully it was worth the wait. The code, by now,
should be completely bug-free, but I'm human, I'm not perfect and there could besome little things here or there, but that shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, this
mag should run without a hitch on a 386 w/ about 600k free convential memory. Iffor some reason it doesn't load properly, try to unload TSRs or reboot or any
other thing that makes sense. Don't try to run this under Windows/Deskview/OS2
Novell DOS/etc. It might work it might not, but the best bet is MS-DOS. Have
about 700K free HD space, the ansis have been compressed and the program needs
to uncompress them. That's about it, have fun and see ya in Issue #3.

── Sinister Outlaw [CORRUPTION/SCUM]