BarbaGubbe by woorlic [web]
woorlic presents BarbaGubbe the sequel to Ihmegubbe NOTICE: NO EMM386 (for the evil party orgos) Using the information technology we stole from ourselves once upon a time we decided to create the barbagubbe to show the world a new way of multimedia. Evroparti was fun, everyone there thought so, we think, attend next time and see some unknown woorlic member organising. Req: 386 with math-co-pro gus/nosound 4-8 megs or more mem? dpmi/xms/raw Wants: p100 gus/nosound alot of mem dpmi/xms/raw .. Final version soon avail at .. contact. .. Kodd .. - (+46)-(0)922-31113 - jonas lund kukkola 166 95391 haparanda Sweden .. MusiK .. .. Grafx .. fat Pacifist - (+46)-(0)922-68116 lenin - (+46)-(0)922-31010 .members. cromwell.fatPacifist.lenin.nocarrier.superDna.thing.whizzter .members. (Copied)1998-woorlic-borlänge-sweden-europe-earth-scene .eof.
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