Röpötys by Skraappa! Skruuppi
This is cool... Greduz: Vihannestiski of SKR PENTIUM UNOPTIMIZED CODE Perkelehousu of SKR PERFECTLY UNTUNED VOICE Näringsinnehåll of SKR S3X RAPER Fruktpomp of SKR HMM. Mr.Porno '96 of SKR VOTES Kakkaa Suolesta of SKR HOMO Nästa Kund of SKR BETATESTING Panomies of SKR PANO & VITUILU MissäVosu/Syöpaskaa of SKR MORAL SUPPOOOERTTTTTTTTTTTT Greez: All skraappa ones! Skenery '96 Organizers Syo Pääsi RY. Made after deadline, as usually... Needs FPU... ps. We are still sorry about virus in ASM'96 64k Skraappa's intro. We tried to scan the exefile with newest F-Prot, but f-prot couldn't find it before releasing. bbs. intro is pretty short, dont be afraid. it ends when it wants. and remember; more faster computer u have, more faster this will be over! That's because of "sync" with WAIT_VERTICAL_RETRACE ;)... Skraepappeaea Skrueppiueue - Taikaviitta o sairaa nopee!
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