
X - 25 by Image!

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                · l e a r n · 2 · l i v e · w i t h · i t ·

                                  hands out

└─┐:∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙[               'X - 25'                ]∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙:┌│┘
┌│┘ Released At : X96                  : Release Date : April 7th, 1996     └─┐
││  Place······ : Utrecht                Release Time : 12:00                ││
├─┐ Country···· : Holland              :                                    ┌│┤
└─┐                               The Credits                               ┌│┘
││  Code        : Vision & Quicksilver   Music      : The Peric              ││
││  Graphics    : Unique                 Design     : Quicksilver            ││
├─┐ Music Player: Capaplay2                                                 ┌│┤

└─┐                             The Member List                             ┌│┘
││  Quicksilver : Org/Pr/Layout/Code          Cypher        : Code           ││
││  FyR         : Code/3d-GFX                 Unique        : 2D-GFX         ││
││  Vision      : Code                        Corvo         : Music          ││
││  Sinbad      : Code                        The Peric     : Music          ││
├─┐ Wolverine   : 2D&3D-GFX                                                 ┌│┤
└─┐                       iMAGE! Bulletin Board Systems                     ┌│┘
││    PHAT!BBS            - Sysop Ch:ilm      - +31-43-638243  - WHQ         ││
││    Enigma              - Sysop Andras      - +32-2-6403136  - Belgium HQ  ││
││    Prototype           - Sysop Blacknight  - +49-6074-35292 - German  HQ  ││
││    Ravebase            - Sysop Maverick    - +41-22-3485521 - Swiss   HQ  ││
││    Cryonics            - Sysop Niro        - +46-36-165110  - Swedish HQ  ││
││    Overflow            - Sysop The Peric   - +31-15-566101  - Member board││
││    Underworld BBS      - Sysop Synoptik    - +41-22-7769331 - Swiss distro││
││    The Supreme Court   - Sysop Steel       - +31-1650-51850 - Distro      ││
││    The Undefined       - Sysop The Russian - +31-2510-51700 - Distro      ││
││    In Utero            - Sysop Vannix      - +31-46-583206  - Distro      ││
││                                                                           ││
├─┐   IMG! WWW site (The Peric/Img/DTN)       ┌│┤
└─┐                            How To Contact Us                            ┌│┘
┌│┘ For Info/Swaps         For Swapping           For Serious shit (code)   └─┐
││  Quicksilver            Corvo                  FyR                        ││
││                                                                           ││
││  Tim Cohen              Francois Raeven        Limnet  11:111/300.3       ││
││  Nachtorchis 13         Schifferheidestr 25    Fido     2:500/275.3       ││
││  6467 HS Kerkrade       6466 EN Kerkrade                                  ││
││  Holland                Holland                                           ││
││  Voice +31-45-5416044   Voice +31-45-5410187                              ││
││                                                                           ││
││                            E-Mail at hand :                               ││
││                Quicksilver  - Quicksilver@Quazar.idn.nl                   ││
││                The Peric    - The Peric@Overflow.idn.nl                   ││
││                Unique       - Unique@Overflow.idn.nl                      ││
││                Sinbad       - johndon@sci.kun.nl                          ││
││                Wolverine    - Youngbd@metropolis.nl                       ││
├─┐               Cypher       - lionello@stack.urc.tue.nl                   ││                        ┌│┤
├─┐              Productive new members are always welcome!                 ┌│┘
└─┐                            Greetings go to                              ┌│┘
┌│┘                                                                         └─┐
││      Acme  Agony  Analogue  Awake!  Dark Side  Destiny  Fatal Justice     ││
││        Fiction  Logic Design  Massive  Nostalgia  Spirit  SuccesS         ││
││     Surrilix  Sphinx  TBC  Tequila  The Clan  TKB  Void  Witan  Zembla    ││
││                                                                           ││
││ Quicksilver says hi to :                                                  ││
││   Sentinel/Witan  Nix/Logic Design  Diablo/Witan  Phalanger/Witan         ││
││   Aap/Acme  Hammer/independent  Ch:ilm/SL1210  The Counsellor/Spirit      ││
││   Mr. Belvedere/Spirit  The Russian/The Clan  Sto/The Clan  Tyr/The Clan  ││
││   Dynamix/Void  Rullie/TBC  Grayhound/Sphinx  Steel/Void  Diskhawk/FJ     ││
││   The Rew/Nostalgia  Sparcus/Nostalgia  Scout/SuccesS  Jace/Logic Design  ││
││   Harlequin/SuccesS  RTF/TKB  MuX/TKB  The Mage/Zembla  The Don/HAI       ││
││   Rommel Soundwave/NO  Slackjaw & Impure  Jayce Raven  NJoy  Garfield     ││
││                                                                           ││
││ Unique says hi to :                                                       ││
││   Shake/Awake  Cindy Crawford/Models Inc.  NiX/Logic Design  PoZoR/TKB    ││
││   Laserdance/Nostalgia  Diablo/Witan  Simm/Analogue  Ravian  Dynamix/Void ││
││                                                                           ││
││ Corvo says hi to :                                                        ││
││   Diablo/Witan  NiX/Logic  Simm/Analogue  Jeroen Tel/Witan  PoZoR /TKB    ││
││                                                                           ││
││ Vision says hi to :                                                       ││
││   Sentinel  Hammer  Gorgo Tyr Mr.Aurum                                    ││
││                                                                           ││
││ FyR says hi to :                                                          ││
││   Joyce, Ranger, ch:ilm, Xerxes/Awake!, Nix/LD & Sony for inventing       ││
││   the MiniDisk                                                            ││
││                                                                           ││
││ The Peric says hi to :                                                    ││
││   Slackjaw  Silk  Vince  Heretic  Sonic  DynaMike  El-Mar  Grmbl  Dynamix ││
││   Necros  Acolyte  Pino  Ash  Skizmo  Venom  Aap  Charon  QuickSilver     ││
││   Manticore  Simstim  Villain  Sciboss  Mad Max  Bert  Demoralize  Impure ││
││   The Industrial Man  The Rew  Dac  Exile  Maxus  Simm  Nix  Cypher       ││
││   Emphyrio  Daze                                                          ││
││                                                                           ││
││ Cypher says hi to :                                                       ││
││   D_a_C  Redflum  Exile  Emphyrio  Jace/LD  NiX/LD  Simm/An  The Peric    ││
││   Daze  Dynamix/DTN  Deranged  Tokyo Joe/Spirit  JANiB  Daemos  Recc      ││
││   Pellicus  PPan/TSK  Maxus  and all other IRC-Freaks :) Sentinel         ││
││                                                                           ││
││ Wolverine says hi to :                                                    ││
││   Slick / Youngblood, Minor Threat / TDD, THC / mYTH, Kylix / mYTH,       ││
││   cFi / mYTH, cReW oNe / mYTH, tHe sAINt / Exa-omicron,                   ││
││   vIPER / independent, Spawn / independent, the rest-All in Youngblood,   ││
││   mYTH and iMAGE!                                                         ││
││                                                                           ││
├─┐                        Self-Boosting-Ego Tour 96                        ┌│┤