
Nu Retro by Simple

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             -=  FLUORINE: "DOUBLE SUICIDE"  =-

[Title::        Fluorine: "Double Suicide"
[Type::         accelerated demo,pc

[Date::         18 sep 2003 (party version)
[Files::        f.exe, ers.dll, f.ers, f.nfo bass.dll 
                (11M total unpacked)

[Format::       win32 exe

[Prj codename:: Fluorine, based on KAGE28Z


 [OS::          win9x/2k/XP,OpenGL
  (approx.)     min:  600MHz / 128M / GeForce 1 or 2
                pref: 1GHz / 256M / GeForce 3 or 4

 [Video::       True Color video mode
                (full screen or windowed)

 [Sound::       44100 or nosound option
                (uses bass.dll)


 [Muzeek::      nyquist

 [Gfx::         grim toyz

 [Code&3d::     elmm, zZz

 [Additional::  BASS by Ian Luck
  (thanx!)      ASCII logo by Sketch Rimanez/secular


 [Crappy look:: - runs slowly and buggy on TNT2 and lower class VC
                  (and it actually looks crappy on others also)

 [Too slow::    - try upgrading ;)
                - try smaller resolutions
                - run in full screen mode
                - and finally close winamp and quake running in
                  background ;)

 [Too dark::    - use "add contrast" option


  LAS, Mumifikator, Gruz, LSD
  keen, manwe, adok, dj psych, krendel, vibe, maniak, djkor, 
  night_, upi, asman, ramzai, jeka, amgorb, phantom lord,
  sammath naur, cyberzx, |re|-action, tiamad, djshtyrlitz, stanley,
  h.a., mitchell, promus, avator, hacken, ultradimm, t1, cooler,
  grim toyz, torax
  (not sorted in any particular order)
  CMS, Yomoma, Neonray, THROB, SandS, Psycho, Proxium, Overdoze, 
  Cornercut, Fishbone, Unlimit, DLC, NWH, Hardwave,
  MadWizards, Marsmellow, Nah-Kolor, grape, Encephalon,
  crolyx team
 [Very global::
  TBL, Aardbei, Farbrausch, Haujobb, t-REX, Calodox

 ...and of coz to everyone who we're supposed to mention here...


  very crappy, very fast-made, just to have smth for millenium2003
