.au xmas compo 2003 invite by Disaster Area [web]
youwanttoenterthiscompoyouwanttoenterthiscompoyouwanttoenterthiscompoyo uwantto enterth iscompo disaster area presents an online pc demo competition: youwant toenter thiscom poyouwa THE .AU XMAS COMPETITION, 2003! nttoent erthisc ompoyou wanttoe nterthi scompoyouwanttoenterthiscompoyouwanttoenterthiscompoyouwanttoenterthisc ompoyou wanttoe nterthi For all the latest info about the compo, visit: scompoy ouwantt oentert hiscomp http://www.disasterarea.net/xmascompo/ oyouwan ttoente rthisco mpoyouwanttoenterthiscompoyouwanttoenterthiscompoyouwanttoenterthiscomp oyouwan ttoente rthisco About the invitro: mpoyouw anttoen terthis compoyo This little intro was written by ript/disasterarea uwantto enterth ... with a font routine by gyr iscompo youwant ... and minifmod by firelight (www.fmod.org) toenter thiscom ... and UPX by the UPX team (upx.sourceforge.net) poyouwa nttoent erthisc ompoyou yes, I recycled some geometry. naughty, naughty! wanttoe nterthi scompoy ouwantt surprisingly, there's not much recycled code, though. oentert hiscomp oyouwan ttoente a geforce is recommended to watch this intro - i rthisco mpoyouw tried it on a TNT2/m64 (pretty crap for a TNT2, anttoen terthis anyway) and it behaved pretty horribly. the text lost compoyo uwantto sync, and it ran at around 2fps =) you might not have enterth iscompo this problem with a TNT2/ultra, but i wouldn't know. youwant toenter thiscom poyouwa i should really write a greets list here, but i can't nttoent erthisc be bothered typing one up =P don't worry i'll greet ompoyou wanttoe everyone in our entry into the compo! (yes, we're nterthi scompoy entering, if you don't like it, vote against us!) ouwantt oentert hiscomp oyouwan anyway, that's enough rambling for now. ttoente rthisco mpoyouw anttoen whatever you do, DON'T FORGET TO VISIT : terthis compoyo uwantto enterth http://www.disasterarea.net/xmascompo/ iscompo youwant toenter thiscompoyouwanttoenterthiscompoyouwanttoenterthiscompoyouwanttoenterth iscompo youwant toenter Disclaimer: thiscom poyouwa nttoent erthisc You run this software at your own risk! ompoyou wanttoe nterthi scompoy Just remember, if something bad happens as a result ouwantt oentert of running this program, we're not responsible! hiscomp oyouwan ttoente rthisco (cue "evil laughter") mpoyouw anttoen terthis compoyouwanttoenterthiscompoyouwanttoenterthiscompoyouwanttoenterthisco
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