porno intro by MoonHazard [web]
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popularity : 65% |
alltime top: #41064 |
added on the 2003-02-01 10:01:39 by shadez ![]() |
popularity helper
liked the musics and some effects, there were few bad scenes, but it is nice for size, and made in 4 hours.
gives a black screen with the music running.. xp/gf4ti.
This one was nice!
Looks nice, but runs around 10fps on my machine whenever there is text on the screen. Probably thanks to my Radeon drivers.
this is quite crap but it's great to see a new active group in the finnish demoscene. i hope you're coming to simulaatio. you might even try to make your first party release
hehe, I like iT! =)
I really don't like this kind of music in intros and it was also quite bad effectwise, but as raimo said, it's nice to see new people active in the finnish scene.
enjoyed some of the effects :)
Hey shadez, best demo ever! =)
You guys have definitelly phun btw ;)
You guys have definitelly phun btw ;)
Dutch colour scheme, and some rare effects, but didn't suck as much as I expected
this is not a dutch color scheme you fool.
sucks a big time. why's moonhazard & fingersoft & blobtrox trolling pouet with a shitty prod a day greeting each other? just like the minimalanimalART guys....
nice job for a 4 hour thingie =)
drstranger: you always give greets for your friends, and you can't do good intros/demos without experience about demoscene... (I actually have no idea what people like, but realmbeyond didn't receive any shitty comments.)
drstranger: you always give greets for your friends, and you can't do good intros/demos without experience about demoscene... (I actually have no idea what people like, but realmbeyond didn't receive any shitty comments.)
this is one of those prods that make me feel nice. I just spent 1.5 hours in the train from my gf's place to mine and I'm tired and this prod somehow cheered me up. The effect code isn't great but shows imagination. I hope you guys don't get too discouraged by the reactions on pouet and stay on the scene!
oh and drstranger: shut the fuck up
i want a 20min product of stuff like this.
alltho i tried my best, i really did, i failed to find the beauty in this..
next time, bring your family.
next time, bring your family.
drstranger is lamer! dont care about him.
so is spengler :D
so is spengler :D
hm.. dunno.. funny, but it sucks
hyvät musasynkit
And wheres the promised porn?
i know the problem, you want to make something good, but you have only 3 days, and finally, you just make an ugly shit... that's life... some people make the same with operating systems...
It's only 25K, so that's not too bad. But still nothing interesting.
were is the pr0n stuff? :)
superplek: ok, I've rewatched it and it's definetly not dutch colour-scheme, but the colours keep hurting my eyes
Yeah, where's the porn or was it used as an adjective only?
after pressing 'esc' it crashed
"let's see have i already disvoteds this"
not even some E could help this one out
Erhmmm, not too good =) Only pluses: size and opensource (although I personally think the code sucks arse)
small cool to me, why name porn
To make everyone leech it ;)
Sorry, but I'm going to thumb it down. The reasons: Bad design, horrible colors and horrible font. I can't understand how anyone with eyes would like this. With a better colorscheme (or, _with_ a colorscheme), it would instantly be a lot better.
damn. that was a silly typo. i meant to say "still".
Heh, stil does rock, just check his gfx art =P
i was asked not to leave a comment, so here i am. .. that's an oxymoron!
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0% dezign 0% beta testing 4 hours time...
anyway it's only 25kb, so it wont harm alot if you have modem or sumthing... (or will it?)