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██║ http://cpcretrodev.byterealms.com/ ║██
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██║ PRO Category ║ ║██
██║════════════════╝ ║██
██║ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ ║██
██║ | Pos | Points | Game | Group | ║██
██║ |=======================================================================| ║██
██║ | 1 | 9.05 | Outlaws | RetroBytes Productions | ║██
██║ | 2 | 8.98 | Hire Hare | CNGSoft | ║██
██║ | 3 | 8.40 | VirusDog | CPC-Power | ║██
██║ | 4 | 7.26 | Dragon Attack | Bitplane Technomantes | ║██
██║ | 5 | 7.09 | Hair Boy | Carlos Sevila | ║██
██║ | 6 | 7.01 | The Grenade's Conquest | SubXplosion | ║██
██║ | 7 | 6.82 | Ice-Slider | EgoTrip | ║██
██║ | 8 | 6.77 | Pingu Soccer | PanZ | ║██
██║ | 9 | 6.72 | Amsthrees | Glasnost Corp. | ║██
██║ | 10 | 6.56 | Maze Adventure | piterayo | ║██
██║ | 11 | 6.12 | El Reino del Color | Antonio Corpas | ║██
██║ | 12 | 5.81 | Retroboom | RetroBoom | ║██
██║ | 13 | 5.68 | The Leyend of Anubis | CoreStudio | ║██
██║ | 14 | 5.35 | TradWorld | MAR | ║██
██║ | 15 | 5.33 | Firewall Wars | Navy Xicken | ║██
██║ | 16 | 5.29 | Haciendo Campaña | Coco Team | ║██
██║ | 17 | 5.15 | Ring Ring Warrior | Aberrantes | ║██
██║ | 18 | 5.06 | Killfield | Paradox | ║██
██║ | 19 | 4.83 | RobobitGame | Robobit | ║██
██║ | 20 | 4.78 | The Great Battles of Magistar | sn9495 | ║██
██║ | 21 | 4.77 | Elliot | Approxbit | ║██
██║ | 22 | 4.74 | Banana's Recovery | BOOMA | ║██
██║ | 23 | 4.54 | Harrier Revenge | Independiente | ║██
██║ | 24 | 4.48 | ProyectoX | Poisonous Department | ║██
██║ | 25 | 4.45 | 464Crusader | ISPIRA | ║██
██║ | 26 | 4.41 | Fitzroy and the power wells | awergh | ║██
██║ | 27 | 4.33 | Next Track | Async Team | ║██
██║ | 28 | 4.26 | Cannibalator | trabitboy | ║██
██║ | 29 | 4.25 | Sidegun | Radical Panda | ║██
██║ | 30 | 4.22 | Hero Magic | Iron Devs | ║██
██║ | 31 | 4.06 | The Last Fighter | Patatas Asadas | ║██
██║ | 32 | 3.92 | GeNe | Los Rodriguez | ║██
██║ | 33 | 3.87 | Dead Warrior | Aberracion Uno | ║██
██║ | 34 | 3.52 | Space War | Equipo Bucle | ║██
██║ \-----------------------------------------------------------------------/ ║██
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██║ BASIC Category ║ ║██
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██║ /-------------------------------------------\ ║██
██║ | Pos | Game | Group | ║██
██║ |===========================================| ║██
██║ | 1 | El Reino del Color | Antonio Corpas | ║██
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██║═════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║██
██║ Dinamic Mention to Innovative Playability ║ ║██
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██║ /---------------------------------------------------\ ║██
██║ | Pos | Game | Group | ║██
██║ |===================================================| ║██
██║ | 1 | Outlaws | RetroBytes Productions | ║██
██║ |...................................................| ║██
██║ | NOMINEES | ║██
██║ | | ║██
██║ | 2 | Firewall Wars | Navy Xicken | ║██
██║ | 3 | Hire Hare | CNGSoft | ║██
██║ \---------------------------------------------------/ ║██
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██║═══════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║██
██║ Jon Ritman Mention to Technical Development ║ ║██
██║═══════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║██
██║ ║██
██║ /------------------------------------------------------------\ ║██
██║ | Pos | Game | Group | ║██
██║ |============================================================| ║██
██║ | 1 | Hire Hare | CNGSoft | ║██
██║ |............................................................| ║██
██║ | NOMINEES | ║██
██║ | | ║██
██║ | 2 | Outlaws | RetroBytes Productions | ║██
██║ | 3 | Fitzroy and the power wells | awergh | ║██
██║ \------------------------------------------------------------/ ║██
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██║═══════════════════════════════════╗ ║██
██║ Gominolas Mention to Best Music ║ ║██
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██║ /---------------------------------------------------\ ║██
██║ | Pos | Game | Group | ║██
██║ |===================================================| ║██
██║ | 1 | Outlaws | RetroBytes Productions | ║██
██║ |...................................................| ║██
██║ | NOMINEES | ║██
██║ | | ║██
██║ | 2 | Dragon Attack | Bitplane Technomantes | ║██
██║ | 3 | Ice-Slicer | EgoTrip | ║██
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██║═════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║██
██║ Cátedra Santander-UA Special Acknowledgements ║ ║██
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██║ /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ ║██
██║ | Acknowledgement | Game | Group | ║██
██║ |=====================================================================| ║██
██║ | Innovative Game Development | Dragon Attack | BitPlane Technomantes | ║██
██║ | Engaging Gameplay | Hair Boy | Carlos Sevila | ║██
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