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Combined Demo/Intro
1st: via duck loonies
2nd: hasselnussen mrp
Oldskool/Executable/Streaming music
1st: Whirlpool Puryx/TBC
2nd: Ankomstblomst Pivtøjet
3rd: sidwave rambones/sidwave
4th: Rumknep bounce 100 Mongol
5th: 151 neutral ambivalence Yozfitz
6th: N.B.D. 3 - (Melodic Remix) MandraSigma
Freestyle/Rendered/3D graphics
1st: Solar City farfar/loonies
2nd: Trask til TRSAC farfar/loonies
3rd: walker in the forest flunkium
4th: Babe Zyps and Knark
ASCii / ANSi
1st: Fata <3 Simona! aBHO/tWiSTED & hOlOjAMM/gOOsE!
2nd: Divine Stylers dMG/divinestylers
3rd: CNCD zeus/style
4th: farmfest Sir Garbagetruck/Accession
Put the hanging pencil from your crotch in the bottle compo
1st: Lord Graga!
2nd: rambones?
3rd: ??
4th: ??
Not in any compo due to lack of entries, but ruled anyway.
mongol commander ahoy! (animation) røvballepikkemand