--[ Animaci≤n 3D ]------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) slynahi RoombaCat 90
2) XeroxeroX MinigoteV3 Baile 85
--[ Fast 2D ]-----------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) redcandet La calma antes de la tormenta 80
2) Meygi Only tru gamers comprederan 70
3) Vinland FuckTeemoAlwaysAndForever 50
4) Illy Illy 40
--[ Fast 3D ]-----------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) XeroxeroX Fast 3D 90
2) slynahi Caba±a 85
--[ Fast Music ]--------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Aki Chill Cafe 95
2) Jedain Euskal Ainhoa E-Swing 93
3) Debi Fast Music 92
4) oficuo Vaporvals 90
--[ Grßficos 3D ]-------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) and Ninja 92
2) Akita_inu Champi±on 65
3) machine Proyecto Vikingo 61
4) Aldebaran Grßfico 3D 60
5) Hotsurgg Hotsurgg 45
6) slynahi Spiderman Spiderdrone 40
7) mluq Enormes Juguetes 33
--[ Grßficos 2D ]-------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Muglo Twilek mermaid 90
2) Luvami Peregrinaje 85
3) redcandet Where is my pencil 80
4) Anpekora Dibujo con lana 70
4) Satanartz The Krown 70
5) Meygi Invernadero 65
6) Chicadelgorritoamarillo SECUESTRADO 50
6) Otaku108 Fragile 50
7) Enedthol Skater Girl 30
8) Illy Ugh 20
8) Vinland Sane 20
--[ MP3-OGG ]-----------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Aldebaran Time Traveler 95
2) irigo56 Dear utopia 94
3) MikelDan AntFactory - Hernani Vice 92
4) Ham / Software Failure Perpetual Improvement Loop 90
5) weeman Relaxing in the dark 85
6) debi The Gathering 80
7) bicoss Girlfriend - Hekko feat. Jei 79
8) aki ChipSound Still Alive 2020 78
9) chismo Euskal M·sica Digital 75
10) uruchi Low Coffing Irae 70
--[ Multicanal ]--------------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Ham / Software Failure Computers Dream All Day Long 82
2) Govatsapadam X-Prezz 2 Lotus Feet 80
3) Chip / Software Failure Fatal Violence 2020 75
4) Debi 26K Magic 70
--[ Open Demo Compo ]---------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Pantuflas Software Quantum Station 72
2) Goblins Covid XX 65
3) Debvgger Slow Lame Mute Mandelbrot 50
--[ Open Game Compo ]---------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Debvgger Tetris en KL25Z 80
2) Valnar Keep the Ice 70
3) Birra Call of Thunder 68
--[ Open Intro Compo ]--------------------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Pantuflas Software Corona Summer 82
2) Noxwings Retro Vives 79
3) Ham / Software Failure Red Artifact 72
4) Debvgger Bucle 2020 62
--[ Wild compo (mejor tecnica) ]----------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Aldebaran Powerslave 79
2) Dj. Ash 8bit simulation 75
3) Illy Objetivo 67
--[ Wild compo (mejor creativa) ]---------------------------------------
(Pos/Author) (Title) (Points)
1) Dj. Ash 8bit simulation 72
2) Aldebaran Powerslave 68
3) Illy Objetivo 65
Results generated by Stravaganza VoteTool - (c) ithaqua/stravaganza - http://ithaqua.stravaganza.org