
8K Intro Competition 2017

added on the 2017-12-26 12:17:31 by 100bit 100bit
combined introtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 8k Commodore 64 Rhabarberbar by Oxyron [web] 12 0 0 1.00
2nd 8k Commodore 64 Taste the Rainbow by Mayday! 5 1 0 0.83
3rd 8k cracktro Commodore 64 Dream of the Flood by The Solution [web] 1 0 0 1.00
4th 8k cracktro Commodore 64 F4CG 8k Intro by Fantastic 4 Cracking Group 4 0 0 1.00
5th 8k Commodore 64 WGI2K15-8K2K17 by WiseGuy Industries 2015 1 0 0 1.00
6th 8k Commodore 64 DSR 8090 by Desire [web] 7 2 0 0.78
7th 8k Commodore 64 PETSCII-Intro V1 by Code7 6 0 0 1.00
8th 8k Commodore 64 Dead Cracker's Charts - X-Mas 2017 by Vision [web] 0 3 0 0.00
10th 8k Commodore 64 Mayday on Fire by Mayday! 1 0 0 1.00
11th 4k Commodore 64 Roman Tile by Coine 0 0 0 0.00
12th 4k Commodore 64 Raw2Ktro by Mayday! 1 1 0 0.50
13th 8k invitation Commodore 64 Riverwash 2018 Invitation by Rabenauge [web] 1 0 0 1.00
14th 4k cracktro Commodore 64 RPL Intro #8 by Really Proud Lamers 0 1 0 0.00