the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2000-10-05
- kwuack!
- 2000-10-11
- School can be so bloody boring...
- 2000-10-12
- (!)buuurp
- 2000-11-02
- Hungry...
- 2000-11-04
- and so night passes by :)
- 2000-11-23
- Filling paper is booooring
- 2000-11-29
- dh tomorrow..argh..gotta hurry
- 2000-12-27
- korv
- 2001-01-03
- happy birthday flood!
- 2001-01-24
- hihi
- 2001-01-26
- ever drunk 16 redbulls in a row? ;)
- 2001-03-13
- boing!
- 2001-05-17
- aöärrghh
- NOW!!!