the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2024-07-23
- EO METTerdaad
- 2024-07-24
- fun fact: I used to smell like I was in a band...
- 2024-07-25
- If you can't make it, now the UC13 party stream is LIVE
- 2024-07-30
- the so complete pouë shoppinglist
- 2024-07-31
- maybe it's not so famous
- 2024-08-02
- UC13
- yes, sign in using your sceneID to also join their party chat!
- Yes! It's not too late to join us for the party weekend using our discounted weekend ticket.
- logically that means all admins are women
- 2024-08-03
- well done kevin
- 2024-08-07
- UC13 is running since last Sunday
- 2024-08-11
- If you can't make it, now the UC13 party stream is LIVE
- 2024-08-13
- Run, UC13, run!
- 2024-08-14
- well personally i think there are demoparties in germany that have been running longer than since last sunday, but anyways :P
- 2024-08-19
- and you studied until you were like 40 so...
- you're wrong, i just don't like near-duplicate cracktros as much as you do :)
- 2024-08-20
- UC13 is running since last Sunday.
- dikkie dik just told me you can watch the trailer of a movie about his life here
- who's the nazi that put me in the cpc graphicspeople section
- speaking stealing bikes, can i have my grandfather's bike back please? :P
- 2024-08-21
- Fun fact: An actual nazi stole my grandpa's bike
- Fun fact: Guinea pig actually tastes like a mix of chicken and rabbit
- 2024-08-23
- you're not from sweden
- 2024-08-25
- And UC13 is running since last Sunday.
- 2024-08-28
- or maybe it should be Foebanned?