the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2013-10-06
fight islam i say, thats good in my book
they are no good in ur countries, just saying xd
- 2013-10-08
- i've chosen 45 out of 8000+ amiga and atari songs searching for those without false notes, check it out
- 2013-11-04
from what i see there should be at most 20 sceners, no need for the rest
- 2013-11-22
not that i'm self promoting or something, but Agenda seems to be quite very fucking active lately, 8+ prods in this year, AYYYY
- 2013-12-07
actually, sex via telepathy is theoretically possible, ive heard the stories of a widows that had sex with the ghost husband, oh snap :)
- 2014-05-25
- 2014-05-30
- 2014-05-31
from what i know , there's none
- 2014-06-01
pole position!
- 2014-06-20
- 2014-07-02
a mix of traditional wear of jews and gypsies would look awesome
- 2014-07-07
- 5 rules of programming
- 2014-07-18
- 8 bit filters online
- 2014-07-25
in Soviet Russia other countries fight to join you
- 2014-08-01
it's probably an awesome feeling when the whole world is speeking your language
- 2014-10-08
the world needs more homeopathic computers
- 2014-10-13
black is the new black
- 2014-10-22
keito: is it a quote from "justgirlthings"? lol
- 2014-10-25
does sound 3d engines egsist ?
- 2014-11-14
i like big screens and I cannot lie
- 2014-11-30
- no homo!
- 2019-03-30
why is pouet blue color so heteronormative???
I was born this way
- 2019-04-04
Optimus has subliminally programmed our minds