the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2008-10-15
- Hello there people! Who dosen't die will get hear again :)
- 2009-02-15
- Hello there people! Who dosen't die will get hear again :)
- ### basshunter - people jazzing ###
- hehehe... should make a 4k IM client :P
- 2009-02-16
- nighty people!
- 2009-02-17
- Hi there people! Can you recommend me the mostly used / best Spectrum ZY emulator? Thanks :)
- 2009-02-26
- ### Breakpoint, people partying ###
- 2009-02-28
- ### Facebook - demoscene coming ###
- ### minimal, people chilling ###
- 2009-03-14
- hmm... live stream of Numerica is down...
- ### Silence, people getting angry ###
- Netpoet... don't worry I'll come one day ;)
- 2009-03-15
- 2009-03-17
- good night!
- 2009-03-19
- Up & Down like a Yoyo life is just a Giddyap a Gogo!
- 2009-03-22
- Great! I've got 256 glops! Now I can finally give my next CDC :)
- ?
- 2009-03-24
- Saga: I agree
- 2009-03-29
- CEST time people!
- soda
- soda has inverted vote, coda has inverted place
- 2009-03-30
- derbias: #breakpoint @ ircnet
- 2009-04-05
- This is SPARTA!
- No. This is SPPOAURETTA!
- This is TEUOP!