the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2004-03-04
- any chance of an anniversarytro?
- 2004-03-08
- Optimus: but there is a marginal difference between "not as perfect" and "Optimus" :)
- 2004-03-17
- I'm gonna sponsor an "Express yourself in 10 words" course for Optimus, no matter how much it'll cost...
- 2004-03-25
- anybody could supply me an url to a nice RTFM picture?
- 2004-05-03
- Optimus: say you won't write oneliners anymore, and face the consqeuences!
- 2004-06-16
- stefan got his spengler spills on demotools today...
- 2004-07-29
- <-get a life...
- 2004-08-17
- walk up to your brother, kill him with your gun, leave him dying in his uniform, lying in the sun...
- 2005-04-10
- your mother was a hamster...
- 2005-05-06
- fuckings to animgif users...
- 2005-07-20
- say this again, and you'll be smashed in the face with Os9 install disks...
- 2005-11-30
- Gasman: you're really nuts... but that mix kicksass :)
- insult me beautiful :)
- 2005-12-09
- un-trademark me beautiful
- 2006-12-22
- bbcode is neither unicode nor oneliner
- se a bébékód, se a junikód nem megy a vanlájnerben baz'!
- 2007-01-12
- got my mindcandy 2 dvd yesterday! hooooray!
- 2007-03-10
- anyone has a working url to DemoVibes CD Covers?
- 2007-06-23
- oh noes, he drew all the logos...
- 2007-07-17
- unfortunately advertisements still work in oneliner... :(
- 2008-02-04
- kill -9!
- 2008-10-06
- 2009-02-12
- it streams 'em in avi format from an MS server. supplied by the MS kkapture division :)
- 2009-05-15
- a 10 year old game runs a yet to be released handheld... how amazing...
- 2009-05-21
- Idea: Make demos promoting numerical values