the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2008-06-06
- Because we don't like you ;)
- 2008-06-08
- 2008-06-30
- <o/
- 2008-07-01
- yes,
- 2008-07-06
- Seems like Spain is winning everything recently :)
- 2008-07-10
- :)
- 2008-07-17
- maali: thanks
- 2008-07-20
- p01: these videos are sooooo similar to zefrank's the show
- 2008-07-25
- why is it lamest?
- 2008-07-31
- we were just discussing that at today, the best argument we came up with by now is that the level is too high for a newbie that is scary, and even for a non-newbie do a demo gets harder and harder every time someone rises the bar.
- Of course is not true that technicaly is hard to begin on all this. But if you want to do something "new", "good" or something that hasn't been done already... that's the hard part.
- 2008-08-03
- Me wants Roadtrip too.
- what ddddd said.
- zernobyl: I'm afraid so :(
- 2008-08-07
- \o/ go US of A go \o/
- 2008-08-26
- Most people including myself are looking forward to see Nvision prods
- 2008-08-27
- 2008-10-01
- If you feel bored:
- os/browser?
- dalezy: once the click on PLAY and the videos are loaded, click on RESTART, that should fix it.
- 2008-10-05
- 2008-10-27
- 2008-10-28
- gloom: awesome!
- @Zest: Yes, you're right, that thing is the funnies thing in the world... not.
- 2008-10-30
- It's interesting that 2 of the top3 c64 prods are remakes.