the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2013-04-02
- Tomo: It's OK to be down. It's NOT OK to stay down. Go talk to a shrink. For real. Get your shit together and make many demos about it.
- ham: JSYK, depression sorta kinda takes people's will, which makes it hard to change.
- 2013-04-04
- mog: :\ Sorry to hear.
- 2013-04-23
- time is to on the onliner
- 2013-04-30
- with le unicode s'il vous plaît Monsieur.
- 2013-05-08
- AMcBain: it is compressed. But yes, that was a really cool JS1k entry.
- 2013-05-14
- super tucked layout in opera mini. it was fine yesterday.
- Tables are great for data. Pouet has tons of data. For the layout itself there are better ways to go and it is fairly small change.
- 2013-05-15
- fast release cycles w. autoupdate and multiple channels ( stable, beta, dev, nightly ) rocks. I don't get why we keep putting a version number though :p
- True. Although plugins/addons developers are minority. Also they should use the dev or beta channels to notice and adapt to API changes with up to 10-12 weeks heads up.
- 2013-05-16
- Gargaj: WTF? That's retarded ... ok, I kinda understand wiht Firefox's addons XPCom addons but stilll super annoying
- 2013-05-27
- Please make a demo about it <3
- 2013-05-28
- Holy smoke, Pixar's MU is all raytracing o_O - n.html
- That was before Cars. ... or did I misunderstand ?
- 2013-06-19
- sounds like a mysterious thing
- I think gargaj is radically kniting.
- 2013-07-22
- Can't help wondering where stands all (newschool) platforms combined. I've got the feeling JS is slowly getting "there".
- 2013-07-31
- gloom: Guess what was the inspiration for ;)
- 2013-08-01
- > random.php
- Can't go wrong with that, now can we ?
- 2013-08-02
- smash smashed || coding ? :p
- 2013-08-03
- Which radio does the live review/commentary of the ASM compos, if any ?
- pretty cool 1k by TDA
- MOAR DIGIMIND MOAR. Why so short ?
- 2013-08-04
- are the results from Asm somewhere? I couldn't see the ceremony