the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2013-09-19
- no, it's Smoouhkh ̷̴̐ x ̷̴̐ x x ̷̴̐ Amartykh ̷̴̐ x
- 2013-09-23
- ferris: is that an artefact-free 1080p60 video or youtube? (Or, if you don't spend your entire salary on hardware, 640p20 ;)
- write code, add content, [DEADLINE], size optimise.
- hehe, mine is more like: write code, add con[DEADLINE], start work on final, fuck it, start something new.
- i reckon "the bar" is merely what you planned to do when you started the project. The end result almost never matches the plan :)
- so mp3 is ok for the audio. Mp4 for the video part can't be a problem. But the replayer must be realtime.
- But don't store the pre-calced data! We want longer loading bars, not longer download times!
- gloom: audio does have different rules. It's ok to play back pre-rendered audio, not ok to pre-render visuals. (I'm perfectly happy with that, mind :)
- meatballs are better processed slowly. Go too fast and they end up too smooth.
- 2013-09-24
- the new function works better like it's a sheep on a cow?! How bad was the old function?
- 2013-09-26
- 2013-09-30
- Possibly the worst ever karaoke:
- 2013-10-19
- rip mustard onto his keyboard to stop him from r
- 2013-10-30
- You need more techno.
- 2013-11-04
- 2013-11-05
- optimus: the best kebabs are from the indian places, with mixed chicken tikka etc. and donner, wrapped in naan instead of pitta
- Preacher: communism?
- 2013-11-06
- flash is usually just h264 with extra wrapping and overhead, where html5 is just h264. If flash runs better, something is badly wrong.
- leGend: if you have video decode hardware, why isn't the browser using it? Sounds like a browser issue more than anything
- charcoal and other such madness
- 2013-11-07
- yeah, quit hating on micro$oft!
- 2013-11-09
- dq: wow, actually nice news for a change :D I think music will improve as a result.
- 2013-11-18
- "People who refer to other people as "a device" are utter fuckwits" (psonice)
- 2013-11-22