the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2011-08-25
- m0d: You're pretty jammy like that. XD
- I hope you guys aren't getting fruity
- 2011-09-06
- I think knl has a point: I've now got into a habit lately of only viewing prods that higher amounts of thumbs up. I have a feeling others do it too.
- 2011-09-11
- 2011-09-12
- (\|) o_O (|/)
- 2011-09-14
- I get wood from from punching trees
- 2011-09-19
- Tears don't lie was mmmm'kay
- 2011-09-24
- Howard Jones, classic and still hits you in all the right places
- 2011-09-29
- But don't bother knocking if someone has hung a tie from the doorhandle.
- 2011-10-09
- Joghurt: I suggested it as a new demo platform.
- 2011-10-26
- What's the tune in that Nokia ad? I've heard it a few times before, but I just can't remember.
- 2011-10-28
- ^ This.
- Better known for his bag of cocks.
- 2011-10-29
- 2011-11-12
- One does not simply wank in Mordor.
- 2011-11-15
- why is your mom not varying postions, huh?
- 2011-11-22
- vibrator: Never gets old that one. :)
- 2011-11-27
- Doom 3 engine anyone?
- 2011-12-02
- unfortunately not, sorry. Is it for a 17" lappy?
- 2011-12-03
- eebliss: That is the strangest patent I've ever seen!
- Advanced Duck Inspector
- 2011-12-04
- What was the demo that featured the Tatu song "nas ne dogonyat"?
- 2011-12-23
- -around/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+hacka day%2FLgoM+%28Hack+a+Day%29 Dunno if anyone has seen this yet, but lft is at it again and on Hackaday.
- 2012-01-10
- I also am from 1974