the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2008-06-22
- mentioning a successfull evening and a small world musical-wise, this hgas been it =)
- 2008-07-16
- dipswitch, and i could swear i saw you in the local lidl last week! dipswitch, if you read this, it was me with the tp'96 shirt =)
- 2008-07-26
- right, someone make sure to film havok going muay thai on unssi
- 2008-08-03
- that's like the worst take on trying to be bananarama:
- 2008-08-05
- irokos, tigrou has a point, as all the atari releases are missing
- 2008-08-06
- 7
- 2008-08-14
- mem'o'ree - jelly coat
- 2008-08-16
- you down with opp
- 2008-08-17
- the actual question would be - who's the father?
- 2008-08-18
- 7
- 2008-08-24
- unssi, sure thing. i'm quite surprised of your excellent musicial taste by the way. :)
- 2008-08-26
- ¡o/
- wow, pouet is crap with unic^H^H^H kyryllic letters. it looks allright in that "your account" box though :|
- 2008-08-27
- stoppt den calippo-fresser! :(
- 2008-08-28
- that's wonderful, havoc. go make a demo about it.
- that's the spirit!
- 2008-08-29
- nice new coup de couer ps^tpolm
- 2008-08-30
- cygnused, din tyskjävel! kanske du vil säger "sug min kuk, för jag älska din röv" :D
- 2008-09-01
- o_______ü hell-yes/
- 2008-09-11
- i wonder if gloom intended that. :)
- 2008-09-23
- Imagine the infinitly cool demoeffects one could make with a matrioshka leg
- kb, i spotted bombe =)
- 2008-09-26
- scoutje, and right before i randomly clicked on that link i got my UR-shirt out from which i was sure that i'm one of the few to know what UR actually means :D
- :) people usually refer to it and ask "U R what?"