the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2010-09-25
- i shut bitfellas down, sorry
- 2010-09-26
- bitfellas back up and running
- needance? how do you dance that one? is that like pop-locking, just doing it on your knees? in that case, it would be knee-dance
- bullshit viagra xanax bullshit
- 2010-09-30
- jawel, het mosselmannetje wil eens een beetje aan de klootzakken knagen
- 2010-10-07
- flauschrausch <3
- 2010-11-01
- hb chromag + kb
- 2010-11-04
- demoscene-trends:
- 2010-11-05
- it's polish
- okkie to the rescue! he said "shoes" :D
- 2010-11-07
- hatte auf meinem skyper 'ne ähnliche nachricht
- 2010-11-12
- anyone from berlin going?
- 2010-11-22
- seriously, stop the madness: - right now.
- 2010-11-27
- ʇʇǝɟ ɹǝƃns uǝʞnʞ
- igitt
- 2010-11-28
- 2010-12-02
- i'm sure he meant the backup that involves 5 dvds - hard to change them while sleeping =)
- 2010-12-29
- not quite (yet) :)
- 2011-01-02
- razor1911 is turning 100 this year!
- 2011-01-13
- "sorry for spamming" doesn't compute. :) is groupon really worth the affiliate-work?
- 2011-01-16
- hmm, tamaschwein...
- 2011-01-22
- old cat is old
- 2011-01-23
- r13, is probably old news?
- 2011-02-03
- 4mat - have been fighting over exactly that just today. oh, and we found out that lsdj sounds like alice deejay when actually talking about it (which was prolly johan's smart intension when he brought it up =)
- 2011-02-06
- dude, "tested the joy i bought" is not exactly politically/sexually correct. :)