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rarefluid : I could have, but there's alot more than one type of floppy cable (IDC-34 and IDC-40 being the most popular)
repeat inc(work); until TGIF;
case BSOD of 1: smackComputer(true); 2: curse('What the hell is wrong with this fucking OS', WM_DAMMIT); 3: smackNextPerson(false,healthCare); else rebootComputer(addr(findFuckingCD),nil); end;
if (i = word(think)) then i := word(am);
if (people in [0..MOST]) and (myself) then inc(sensibility); ?
for (int i = 0; i <= Most; i++) { people[i]->sensibility++; if (i = myself->id) myself->sensibility++; }