the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2024-11-29
- Oh, I just died on your Amiga tonight, it must have been something you showed
- 2024-11-30
- wysiwtf: or one of the CIA chips :E
- 2024-12-02
- Big Double Bock thank you. Spring bocks <3
- 2024-12-03
- Watched this again :D
- 2024-12-04
- New intel gpu B580 kicks RTX4060's ass for $249 - anyone have the previous ones, and did demos run? :)
- For newer games they seem to not suck, but for older stuff they may
- 2024-12-05
- Wait until its too unlimited...
- 2024-12-06
- Noniin meillon talo tikit, tikittääkö se
- 2024-12-07
- PARTYPAIKALLA HERÄTYS!!1 Kahvi on valmista!
- /me loads AIM-7's
- 2024-12-08
- Vote 68000 for new president!
- Vote Empire for next Empire!
- Paperclip People - 4 My Peepz (Shot)
- 2024-12-10
- "What this is, is a graphics processing masterpiece. Two cores run in unison to render at least 50000 people temporaly insane."
- 2024-12-11
- It said "Let There Be Light" and thus, Amiga was born
- Picard enters ten forward. Deanna Troi simply cannot fucking believe it. Picard raises a glass of Lowenbrau and sings. People begin fighting. Riker and Worf arrive and join in. Geordi is violently thrown onto the bridge, and Riker steals his VISOR. Wesley simply cannot fucking believe it.
- classic bridge buffoonery
- 2024-12-13
- Tired... Morning to all... Morning. :)
- A lot of time coffee smells better than tastes, for me. I've only found a few select beans which taste always amazing, one of them is Pera Gran Pregio <3
- Is this by Serato/FIG? ato-releases-hex-fx-multi-fx-plugin-hexfx2.jpg
- 2024-12-14
- Last time I ate bacon was in 1996, but now coffee
- I have mutated. It is good.
- 2024-12-15
- I play fuzz jasion on my Casio-N
- 2024-12-16
- Knight Moreno to... I guess no one? If any Brothers pick this up: EL-7 is gold. Repeat. EL-7. We've got no idea how many are in the cave. But they're definitely hostiles in there. God help us.
- 2024-12-17
- I have unleashed the radiance on joker snacks