the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2015-08-03
- I love all those burial mix tracks, that was Mark Ernestus I think
- Your releases on the weekend rocked Noby, do you have a soundcloud?
- Thanks man
- Case for temporary banning and subdividing of demoparty photos
- 2015-08-06
- For you Noby
- 2015-08-10
- cdc now works in the oneliner
- 2015-08-29
- classic for you kimi
- 2015-08-31
- damn those CC demos look awesome
- 2015-09-01
- Has anyone had much success using the wanted ads to find people to work with?
- ba weep gra na weep ninny bon
- 2015-09-16
- Gragaj: Final runs much faster now for me, at least the end part where it zooms out to space doesn't drop fps anymore.
- 2015-09-17
- Sorry I mean Gargaj of course. Need edit button in the oneliner.
- 2015-10-09
- New Glöp City
- 2015-10-14
- Very good Noby. Reminds me of some of the Jeff Mills Waveform Transmissions tracks:
- 2015-10-18
- Hey does anyone know if unicode works in the oneliner?
- 2015-11-05
- How I imagine it really is in Finland...
- 2015-11-16
- He was probably still hungover from the party. I messaged the glops for a fix.
- 2015-11-20
- Gargaj: I'll ask about the syntax stuff since I couldn't go to the party I would like to see it too.
- 2015-11-24
- I must have missed something... what help does optimus need?
- 2015-11-27
- Holy shit Kimi that Demdike Stare track is a killer. That would destroy a proper outdoor rave.
- Very Autechre-ish Noby
- Oh cool I got their Incubator 12".
- Classic house kimi, ok send me an email saying hi, I want to ask you about music stuff. My email is in the nfo's in my prods.
- Yeh cool add me on discogs: drift101
- 2015-12-02
- Is that the same dude that made a ray-tracer inside minecraft?