the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2008-06-16
- Same diff. Anyway, I don't see why not. The other components might not keep up with the pace though.
- 2008-06-21
- The dutch might win the football compo, but they're losing the hottest supporters compo
- I say props to Guus for spreading offensive football around the world
- 2008-06-23
- The whole law is ridiculous because it's useless for the intended purpose. Let's hope our next g'ment revokes it.
- micksam7: The military branch responsible for the snooping wants their appropriation raised for a few hundred million SEK to have a bunch of people working full-time on breaking crytpos..
- 2008-06-24
- Windows Aero is the new Bob
- 2008-06-28
- Saulin penis doesn't work on oneliner (luckily)
- So add a video
- The only versions worth doing are Saulin Penis VirtualBoy and Saulin Penis Vectrex.
- 2008-07-04
- ..and lenkkimakkara
- 2008-07-11
- That's what you get for using OpenGL <2.0
- arguing on the internet doesn't work on oneliner
- 2008-07-13
- You could probably get the addresses by looking through the source code of a Sharp MZ-series emulator, like
- 2008-07-14
- World of World of Warcraft
- 2008-07-28
- Tony Blair and Winnie the Pooh
- 2008-07-29
- GajiN: to glöp or not to glöp, that is the question.
- 2008-08-04
- Something like ? There's also the hlp file that comes with masm32, but it's not complete.
- 2008 : Year of the glow shader
- Except every demo and their grandmother uses it now. Then again, my memory is short so you may be right.
- 2008-08-11
- Gee, Finland won the sauna WC. That's like Germany winning the world war-starting WC.. :P
- 2008-08-12
- Are there any command line utils for dos/windows that take one or more .bin file(s) and generate a .d64 ?
- it's amore
- 2008-08-18
- 68000
- 2008-08-20
- Why do all c64 emulators suck so badly when it comes to debugging capabilities? Except for no$c64, but it can't run prg files with "uncommon" load addresses..
- 2008-08-22
- Is there a problem with settings max sustain level (15) on the SID, or is it just me? When I set it to max the notes are cut off when the envelope generator reaches the sustain phase.