the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2008-09-01
- 2008-09-08
Fuckings to BJ Electronics!
- 2008-09-12
Not that photo Unse3n, but I did use some of her (credits on the video).
- 2008-09-24
ps and his minions take my votes personally I guess because I generally reserve my thumbs for hard work and talent.
Rob: I'm guessing the initial irony of that article isn't so clear? btw the advice I gave there is sound.
- 2008-10-04
Optimuz: Great film!
- 2008-11-04
Trolls derive pleasure from people's reactions, so this racist Hugi troll must be having orgasms right now.
- 2008-12-13
Shane =
- 2009-04-12
The Amiga groups really stepped up this year. Good comp!
- 2009-04-13
ESC ESC ESC ESC!!!! I hope there's a light at the end of this dark tunnel known as the PC compo.
I didn't think it could get any lower than the MFX demo, but here we go... :(
A huge disappointment, but we can't blame anyone except ourselves.
- 2009-06-04
Is this for real???
My heart is pounding with excitement. Just looking at the trailers on youtube! :D
The remake looks pretty faithful. The episodic games look quite cheap though. Still, it's the humour and story that count.
- 2009-07-06
- 2009-08-14
- 2009-10-30
Optimus: Then you certainly don't want to read about Old Hag Syndrome!
- 2009-11-29
- 2009-12-01
Life after the Amiga -
- 2009-12-05
The moderators are fine with illegal images on Pouet. They only ban people they personally dislike.
iblis: I've already reported him to IWF, but don't know how much they can do. Thankfully the mods have banned him though.
I saw worse stuff than goatse on there. If it's illegal, it'll be taken further, if it's not then there's nothing to worry about.