the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2002-02-16
- hejsa peter, du burde score i stedet for at sidde og nørde den!
- 2002-02-17
- pouët means rougly translated: "cheese with extremly large holes in it"
- 2002-02-18
- i want to become the oldest active scener ever!
- 2002-02-26
- 2002-03-10
- do it like a real man : buy a date....or...
- 2002-03-11
- that's *so* immature mallorcat!
- 2002-03-15
- det rent og skær nødvendige, det elementært nødvendige, det er det som du har brug for på din vej
- ikke rigtigt
- 2002-03-21
- 2002-04-03
- diamondie, go get drunk, that helps
- make a demo, that's almost as good
- it's never too late to learn to code =)
- while(!life){ if(!learn(code)) bash(self); }
- ahhh, *that's* what's bugging you :)
- well, atleast it's realtime onlining for the first time!
- do 4k MEGA DEMO
- code is the only thing you can't take out of the demo equation :D [spoken like a true coder]
- 2002-04-05
- we dont need blue flowers (bizk)
- 2002-05-08
- narkomaner!
- 2002-05-09
- because you already thumbed it up
- 2002-06-11
- give it a rest, bhead, poüet isn't a dating central ;)
- 2002-06-12
- get a life coz u'll need one to STOP POSTING crap :p
- 2002-07-08
- no
- 2002-07-13
- qu'on ait 20 ans, qu'on soit grand-père, quand on est con, on est con
- 2002-07-23
- /join @ IRCNET