the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2022-01-30
- Here is a prediction no one ever made: In 2022 you won’t be allowed to talk about the Moon landing on Pouet.
- You came to the right place. What can we help you with?
- 2022-01-31
- Shall we make a list of forbidden subjects? Maybe that helps moving forward.
- You asked for evidence regarding the moon hoax, I simply provided what you asked for. Isn’t that what friends do?
- What you consider derailing is what I consider legitimate concerns, also I always try to keep the personal out of it. You are free to agree or disagree, or ignore me completely. Just like everybody else.
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- Thanks and I appreciate that, but you are free to ignore me is my point. And tomkh, v3nom had at least the decency to ask for evidence, so I appreciate that as well.
- Sounds fun, maybe I should try it.
- I am and I have, want to help?
- Sure thing, good luck. This is an open invitation to anyone who wants to work on a demo based on an ancient language, far more interesting than the Moon landing, I promise.
- 2022-02-01
- I have now claimed the waveform of reality itself. Bidding starts at two Glöps
- In Reality, which I currently own, only Glöps have intrinsic value.
- 2022-02-07
- your inner
- 2022-02-11
- Where have all the rebels gone?
- 2022-02-16
- And Stanley Kubrick faked it all
- A11 work and no play makes jack a dull boy
- 2022-02-21
- and this will Demoscene the affect
- 11. What happens if you turn the detectors on and the recorders off?
- 2022-02-22
- twenty two o twenty two o twenty two
- 2022-02-24
- Putin is a WEF “Young Global Leader”, just like Trudeau and the other dictatorial clowns around the world. It’s all theatre
- Schwab bragging about in 2017:
- ordo ab chao, divide et impera
- You will have to be more specific, havoc
- If you are going to make threats at least have the decency to specify said threat. Can I expect a horse’s head in my bed tomorrow morning?
- Not really, how exactly am I an inconsiderate asshole? Please be specific, what is it I said that is inconsiderate to victims in a war zone?