the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2023-08-06
- New-style Discord usernames should be now supported on your profile:
- 2023-08-07
- It's more complicated than that, but let's go with the rumour-mill version then.
- The code is the lesser problem.
- Partly that, partly the inability to have mature discussion about it due to lack of stakeholders.
- 2023-08-09
- please shut the fuck up
- 2023-09-28
- he was roughed up at school cos he made fun of a kid's dad's suicide - feels like an important context to the story
- 2023-09-29
- 😱
- 2023-10-06
- [taps sign]
- 2023-10-19
- Not an overarching advice or anything but creative activities are a great way to deal with the pressure of recent events.
- 2023-10-24
- if youre sick of the tech fucks, maybe stop continually posting about them?
- have you considered making a demo about it
- I'm not gonna watch something you didn't bother to write.
- Was that supposed to be misogynistic or homophobic? I can't tell.
- 2023-11-02
- "bring you down", no. "bring to senses", hopefully.
- 2023-11-10
- do you go to parties?
- 2023-11-19
- Flashy: we mentioned it often though - we always release the "previous gen" when we start a new one.
- 2023-11-27
- I can't really judge who you're trying to blame for it, honestly.
- what exactly is a "real" job
- are you okay
- maybe stop posting? go do something productive? maybe even go make a demo about it? or is that too much to ask on a scene site?
- are you sure youre interested in this whole demo thing or is this just another tech community where you havent been thrown out from yet for being obnoxious?
- 2023-11-28
- yeah but i can just turn off the game and then i win
- 2023-11-29
- Mick Harris? Didn't he also make dark ambient as Scorn?
- quite a few metal dudes have good electronic sideprojects (e.g. this is recent by munky from korn, and it's awesome: )
- cough skrillex cough :)