the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2022-01-25
- and not only yours!
- 2022-01-30
- "sir this is a wendy's."
- s/talk/proselytize
- 2022-01-31
- y'all just gonna continue this shit indefinitely until it gets worse, wont you
- sure, although the relation between crypto/NFT and the scene is a valid one to discuss
- i'm watching it now and it's really not.
- All of that has been solved with TF2 hats, faster, and better.
- Thing is, I've been an MMO dev, I've had my fair share of dealing with digital ownership and items 15 years ago - once you have real money trading, you're no longer a game, you're an investment platform.
- i'm still not 100% sure if Quartz is a game or something else; either way it's too new to see if it has an effect on the actual games
- money. they were thinking money.
- This isn't that game tho, this is another game pretending to be that game to get eyes on this one.
- 2022-02-17
- probably you.
- 2022-02-22
- ^ de la soul predicted it in 1991 already:
- 2022-02-23
- i see we reached the "unabomber manifesto" stage of pouet.
- 2022-02-24
- there's a war involving countries we know people in and you're being an inconsiderate asshole to them. specific enough?
- "It's all theatre".
- 2022-02-25
- that's a paddlin'
- by clicking the link you agree to the terms of service
- 2022-03-01
- okay raise your hand if you think there should be no place for this shit on pouet \o
- "i dont like the news" doesnt make it untrue
- 2022-03-02
- the demoscene must NOT remain out of politics. doing so would be spineless, cowardly, and indifferent to those sceners who are involuntarily involved. (the blue color is the pouet blue.)
- not all political views are created equal.
- you can take my factory flybys from my cold dead hands!!1
- thank you for using so many words to say absolutely nothing.
- truth isnt neutral.