the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2010-10-30
- Saga Musix: one exists on pouet: ... Anyway that was a tracker in the way of making (now it supports only replay)
- well, there are even various module players for various platforms (I did linked only the one for Win32). Then it was definitively written in the comment: the future version will be able to do tracking aswell, or at least I hope...
- It was released at Sourceforge so actually I throught it was possible to upload it there.
- For me was a nice port of protracker on win32, too bad it wasn't able to do write notes (eg do tracking).
- Well, TP 6.1 is even a module packer, not only a packer. Then, another example of player which is good as demotool is the Milkyplayer for the PSP. Should be deleted aswell?
- Well, good or bad me or somebody else will add this tracker again when it's fully tracking supported, k?
- 2010-10-31
- Bertolaso is a big dickhead.
- 2010-11-01
- woot? Birthday of KB too? Happy birthday so, Chromag & KB!
- AMIGA trademark for sale: the end or the rebirth of the AMIGA?
- 2010-11-03
- ### song, people dancing ###
- 2010-11-15
- what's happenen? I see noise on pouet!
- 2010-11-16
- bring the noise
- 2010-11-22
- bring the noise!
- 2011-01-01
- Happy new year! Happy 2011! Otherwise buzz off!
- 2011-02-27
- Aloha! Long time no see sceners!
- 2011-03-01
- the best "The Final Countdown" cover that I've ever heard!!
- Good stuff the dancing robots!
- 2011-03-03
- hiih
- ihhi (which is the same thing)
- 2011-03-05
- There are some demos with dubstep music?
- link something ;)
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- hi!
- ce l'ho lungo