the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2004-09-17
- huuh... was featured quickly on the 'click online' show on bbs world...
- 2004-09-22
- ps: what is "mfx syndrome" ?;-)
- 2004-10-12
- umm... what the fuck happened here? suddenly the bbs has topics in the "wrong" order...
- scene is zombie
- 2004-10-19
- krusty is better than cirque de soleil.
- 2004-11-03
- i hereby proclaim that atleast 50 million americans are stupid.
- if you have 50 million stupid people, no mistake is too big to not be made twice.
- 2004-11-15
- morpheus says neo is the one !!! :-(
- 2004-12-02
- Arrrr! Gonna Kill the F*** Dancer!
- 2004-12-20
- fuck you
- 2005-01-06
- all your clue is belong to ye olde shoppe
- yes, lets.
- we also need bigger avatars.
- so that we could fuck up the layout. and put animal porn and goatse on our avatars. and tubgirl too.
- 2005-01-10
- bp05 invi 'final' + video now at
- 2005-01-11
- word!
- 2005-01-29
- All your alternative are belong to party
- 2005-02-15
- we want nominees!
- 2005-02-20
- fuckings to all farmers
- 2005-07-13
- 4) they are actually flesh eating zombies!
- 2005-07-28
- time to go to boozembly. too bad i already have a hellish hangover.
- 2005-08-21
- stan rulz 660!
- 2005-09-18
- streamMEGA prods at, start glöpwhoring!
- 2005-10-02
- unlock: i'd say go for it anyways. be mean. be really really _really_ mean.
- 2005-10-05
- finland now has the silliest copyright law \o/