the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2012-12-11
- in that case, we just need to make sure that the demo compo at Revision 2013 ends with Debris 2 by "Farbrausch". I fail to see how this plan could possibly go wrong.
- 2012-12-18
- good morning. For the next hour, I'll be underneath a talking internet moose.
- 2013-01-04
- I accidentally the whole demoscene in a zipfile.
- Es ist einfach, Verben auf Deutsch zu vergessen, weil man immer den Wort zum ende der Satz.
- 2013-01-13
- ODSM = the specific branch of BDSM where you're chained to a bed and forced to watch rasterbars and scrollers
- 2013-01-14
- .kkrieger is the reason that people in Sibera can access Youtube today. FACT.
- 2013-02-06
- all my demos have a "crow pleasing only" outcome
- please the rook-ie thing
- 2013-02-26
- Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly, forgotten, as unicode on the oneliner
- 2013-02-27
- "which tracker do you recommend?" "whichever one you like best" <- this is not just advice. This is POUETVICE.
- "thinking of making a demo? why not use one of my two favourite graphics APIs." <- Some more quality POUETVICE there.
- 2013-02-28
- our eypresses ere tolen rom his entence.
- 2013-03-01
- for values of "demoscene" equal to "releasing music at German parties big enough to have media coverage and/or a venue that's commercial enough to care": yes.
- 2013-03-04
- I demand... a shrubbery
- 2013-03-07
- woah, really neat volumetric fog effect going on right now
- 2013-03-08
- demo police, arrest this man, he talks in maths
- 2013-03-10
- Larusse Firecloud would make a good porn star name
- 2013-03-14
- demoish furniture: net-looks-like-a-digital-glitch/ (buy one of these and some plants that grow really really fast, and create your very own Fairlight demo)
- look at the base... if it's a photoshop job, then they've gone to the trouble of doing it in 3D :-)
- 2013-03-31
- 2013-04-09
- is that "afraid" as in "afraid that they will turn a decent demoscene forum into a tedious shithole of trolling"? Seems about right.
- 2013-04-11
- nekomono: it's a cover of Enola Gay by OMD. Perhaps it matches one of these h&qs=enola+gay ...?
- 2013-04-18
- everyone's heard, the ornithological specimen is the word
- 2013-04-21
- alonecoder: the 2013 link will appear as soon as some releases (or an invite) exist for that year
- 2013-04-22
- can't wait to see all the kickass demos people worked on while they were waiting for pouet to come back up!