the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2001-06-05
- glöpp - glöpp - glöpp... where's all flaming here? can't you hate anything?
- 2001-06-18
- silly and cute love? sounds like proxy=)
- 2001-06-19
- fractals, voxels and "time-dilated" rotating hypercube. yuckh.
- 2001-06-20
- hey, it's mfx not MFX
- 2001-07-20
- a friend with no weed is a friend in need
- 2001-08-12
- velikaniko?
- 2001-09-11
- echo GET|nc 80|grep "have fun"|wc
- 2001-10-03
- i dont think you're happy enough..
- 2001-10-09
- 2,3,5,8,9,11-15 (more or less...)
- 2001-10-16
- bet it's rfc 1149 net
- 2001-10-22
- cat database.old|sed s/ftp:\/\/\/pub\//http:\/\/\/file.php?file=\//g >
- 2001-11-01
- huijari. oikee lobsteri ei ikinä mainostaisi itteään sillä nimellä.
- 2001-11-02
- location-header comes handy sometimes.. though not probably the usage it was meant for..
- 2001-12-22
- about minus eighteen resons not to feel so warm over here..
- 2001-12-31
- this statement is 2-dimensional. its volume is zero.
- 2002-01-03
- everyone, leave the scene now. quick before it melts your brain.
- sådant händer, sådana fötter.
- 2002-01-08
- real men have sex alone
- nah.. hopefully they need to do a complete rewrite and forget all that browser-dependent shit.
- 2002-01-13
- yeah, like, hell rules or something
- 2002-01-14
- how about: a prod 1 glöp, screenshot 2, more if obscure platform that allows to clear interrupts?
- 2002-01-15
- maybe the "B" word is something then?
- 2002-01-18
- nosfe should update his site..
- 2002-01-24
- dimi ruled. now that's a user interface :)
- digital music instrument or something similar. the thingy from 69.