the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2004-04-23
- FuckOff9007 videocapture!
- stakka: doesn't sound like something worth waiting for..
- 2004-04-26
- We are Spaceballs - You are not!
- 2004-08-02
- Both slavewhore and SHITCOCK can kick hypnoglow's ass..
- 2004-09-03
- stakka: haha! I have it!
- nopes, it's true.. got a copy at bp.. :)
- how strange! :)
- nah, I promised not to.. and I've deleted the install-files..
- 2004-09-08
- Loady: means that someone wants to tear of the heart of the guy who coded the demo...
- 2004-09-11
- loaderror doesnt make the sound "FAP FAP FAP" when he wanks off..
- 2004-09-29
- liars!
- 2004-09-30
- Mormor04 !!!!!
- 2004-10-05
- I just want to kill seals
- 2004-10-06
- <3 Baby seals with no pulse <3
- 2004-10-08
- SO DID I!!!!
- 9007!
- trees are good.. you can use them to make clubs and kill seals!
- A NORWEGIAN NAVY SEAL! Trained to "take care of" our enemies the whales!
- I think I can hear a greek seal squeeking somewhere....
- 2004-10-12
- This werkzeug-thing rocks!! Time for Spaceballs to go pc!!!
- 2004-10-13
- "Stolen" avatar that annoys pK test
- 2004-10-14
- People with skills dont find asm-coding hard...
- LordGraga: You calling me a win32 bastard?You newbie cunt!
- LordGraga: but you're right about one thing; I'd never been able to do my 4k's without OpenGL...
- why does it have to be on the front page?