the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2005-11-14
- prepare for some world domination suckerz!
- 2005-12-11
- speedfisters are back, smoking some crack! fuckings to OSDM
- 2005-12-23
- d0se: whats wrong with you, just thumbing down all my prods because the sake of it?
- 2005-12-26
- fist my demo me beautiful!
- 2006-02-14
- more speedfisting!
- 2006-02-18
- hello speedlovers!
- 2006-02-19
- hello speedlovers!
- 2006-02-20
- hello speedlovers!
- 2006-02-21
- I code with my sunglasses at night.
- 2006-02-23
- no fucker, especially not one like svenzzon, can make people act like he wants them to. i mean, what the hell, "it's not like it's supposed to be", now who are you to say that? fucker.
- 2006-03-16
- hello speedlovers!
- 2006-04-05
- hello speedlovers!
- 2006-04-11
- hello speedlovers! cya all at breakpoint 2006!
- yes. mr.boozie you are so right.. we all should gather for this magnificent event featuring your favorite fisters! remember to bring your shades and shitloads of booze and cocaine.
- 2006-04-27
- hello speedlovers, demoman on the keys. just wanted to keep you informed that i am king of the scene.
- 2006-05-02
- hello speedlovers! i just wanted to inform you that i am still king of the scene.
- 2006-05-03
- hello speedlovers! i just wanted to tell you: prepare for domination! because soon a dominating speedfisters demo will be released. just so you don't get to freaked out about it when it's out!
- 2006-05-05
- in speedfisters land we take a speedball a day!
- 2006-05-16
- what are you talking about? back in the days when i was chilling with my pal kaj richardsson in france we used to kick some next empire ass every thursday morning, so don't tell me about beeing a group, and no. there is no war between speedfisters and ne
- 2006-05-18
- hello speedlovers! i just wanted to tell you im still king of the scene!
- 2006-05-20
- i wish i could join titan! i love them!
- 2006-05-22
- hello speedlovers! i just wanted to tell you im still king of the scene!
- 2006-05-24
- hello speedlovers! i just wanted to tell you im still king of the scene! (prepare for domination!)
- speedfisters will play live at the birdie demoparty at 20.00 tomorrow, be there if you wanna meet the fisters.
- 2006-05-29
- hello speedlovers! now watch electric africa.