the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2015-12-26
- Demos are even bigger than Christmas and Jesus.
- 2016-01-10
- I went with DOS because of the programming element
- 2016-02-27
- demoscene world domination
- 2016-02-29
- demo universe
- 2016-03-01
- Demos will be bigger than Jesus!
- 2016-03-02
- run demos on a matrioshka system
- 2016-03-05
- demoscene world domination!
- 2016-03-06
- It is written, demosceners are the chosen ones, and out of them shall come The One!
- 2016-03-08
- Yes! 'God Is Dead' is a great comic series quoting Nietzsche's statement
- 2016-03-19
- Bernie Sanders for dear glorious people's leader president of USA!
- LIES! That's Trump
- 2016-04-08
- I for one, welcome our new Demoscene overlords!
- 2016-04-17
- visit everyday!
- 2016-05-04
- Jesus, and all other Abrahamic prophets, were agents of evil
- 2016-05-07
- They called 'Dope' the most profound demo, and at least it was about when there were most demons on PC
- 2016-05-14
- what about a demo of Hell?
- 2017-01-17
- Don't logout!
- 2018-01-02
- that moment when you accidentally touched your phong
- 2018-05-26
- 0xC0DE
- 2018-08-30
- glop
- 2018-09-01
- oldschool sceners got their kicks on the C-64, slammin' down the Jolt cola, coding like a tokah, like a high rolla
- 2018-09-24
- eternal Demoscene
- 2018-10-06
- Demoscene: greatest scene in the universe!
- 2018-10-28
- Demoscene forever!
- 2019-02-11
- win the so famous pouë oneliner