the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2017-06-11
- My goodness. Razor1911 4Ever!
- 2017-07-16
- Fairlight 4K is awsome. Short but awsome!
- 2017-08-21
- Bring the UTF-8 to pouet PLZ :-/
- 2017-08-29
- that moment when you accidentally mistyped IRC
- Johann
- Arr, you're actually a pirate
- Arr, you're actually a pirate
- 2017-08-30
- Well done Johann
- 2017-09-01
- Yak yak yak :/
- 2017-09-04
- that moment when you accidentally mistyped nothing
- 2017-09-12
- that moment when you accidentally mistyped everything
- 2017-09-22
- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ : It seems he doesn't have any account here on pouet
- 2017-09-29
- Accidentally mistyped JOHHAN
- 2017-09-30
- go make a demo about it
- That moment when you poop with pouet and accidentally ran out of paper and there is no water
- that moment when you accidentally mistyped HDCP
- 2017-10-01
- ferris : i guessed you doing all these things for noby intro :)
- at least you can code. i had this idea but even i can't code anything!
- 2017-10-08
- Optimus : Cuphead
- 2017-10-09
- Suck yout mind
- 2017-10-19
- future is yesterdey
- Johann is jarig
- 2017-10-20
- 2017-10-21
- Im the one who get'em down with(out???) a raw confession