
edits for this prod:

date glöperator action more info
2024-08-12 15:24:33 havoc havoc prod_edit []
2023-10-23 15:24:12 Gargaj Gargaj prod_link_del []
2023-10-23 15:24:09 Gargaj Gargaj prod_link_edit {"id":"24625"}
2019-01-19 09:30:04 havoc havoc prod_link_add {"id":28717}
2019-01-19 09:29:35 havoc havoc prod_link_add {"id":28716}
2019-01-02 01:56:44 havoc havoc prod_edit []
2017-10-29 16:50:07 sensenstahl sensenstahl prod_edit []
2017-10-29 16:49:50 sensenstahl sensenstahl prod_edit []
2017-10-20 00:38:04 havoc havoc prod_link_add {"id":24626}
2017-10-20 00:38:01 havoc havoc prod_link_edit {"id":"24625"}
2017-10-20 00:37:33 havoc havoc prod_add_link Linux & OS/X port - http://web.uvic.ca/~jmph/GRID3D_MAC_LINUX.7z
2017-10-20 00:37:09 havoc havoc prod_change_downloadlink current: https://files.scene.org/view/demos/compilations...
old: ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/sensenstahl/othe...
new: http://web.uvic.ca/~jmph/GRID3D.ZIP
reason: Update to v1.1 with major bugfix. Incidentally this host should be stable for the forseeable future. I will upload to scene.org when I'm sure no more quick bugfixes/revisions need to be done.
2017-10-19 05:52:27 sensenstahl sensenstahl prod_edit []
2017-10-19 05:42:00 sensenstahl sensenstahl prod_edit []
2017-10-19 00:27:11 havoc havoc prod_edit []
2017-10-19 00:26:03 havoc havoc prod_change_downloadlink current: https://files.scene.org/view/demos/compilations...
old: https://porta2note.ocloud.de/index.php/s/HbpSUs...
new: https://porta2note.ocloud.de/index.php/s/HbpSUs...
reason: Proper direct download link
2017-10-19 00:25:55 havoc havoc prod_add_credit HellMood HellMood - code
2017-10-19 00:25:53 havoc havoc prod_add_credit jmph jmph - code, design, graphics, sound